European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization  


Activities in 2002

The ECCO-XV meeting was hosted by Instituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull'Intelligenza Artificiale (IDSIA) in Switzerland.
May 30-June 01, 2002.
Submission and early registration deadlines: February 28th, 2002. Deadline extended to March 31th.
A special issue of EJOR will be dedicated to the theme: Approximation Algorithms: Provable Properties and Applications.
But the workshop will be on general Combinatorial Optimization topics.
Organizer: Luca Maria Gambardella
Director of IDSIA
Galleria 2
6928 Manno-Lugano, Switzerland
Tel: +41 91 6108660 (dir. 63)
Fax +41 91 6108661

During this meeting, the ECCO advisory board and the local organizers decided to celebrate the cofounder Domnique de Werra's anniversary.
You can find the song written by Silvano Martello and Jean-François Maurras for the event
and some pictures from the meeting, the conference diner and sceneries of Lugano.

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