European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization  


Activities in 2007

The ECCO-XX 20th anniversary meeting was organized and hosted by
the Center for Banking and Financial Research and the Department of Public and Business Administration,
University of Cyprus.
May 24 - 26, 2007.
Submission deadline: February 17th, 2007. EXTENDED TO March 10th, 2007.
Earlier registration deadline: April 1st, 2007.

A Post-ECCO XX Call for Papers for a special of Computational Optimization and Applications (COAP) on "New developments in combinatorial optimization: Theory and applications" could be found here.

Organizing committee:
Prof. Hercules Vladimirou (co-chair)
Prof. Stavros Zenios (co-chair)
Danniella Salleva (administrative assistant)

Department of Public and Business Administration
School of Economics and Management
P.O. Box 20537
CY-1678 Nicosia, CYPRUS.

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