European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization  


Activities in 2017

The 30th Anniversary conference ECCO XXX - 2017 was a joint EURO/ORSC/ECCO International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization. It will be organized and hosted by the University of Primorska and its Faculty of Mathematics, Natural sciences and Information technologies, and Andrej Marusic Institute.
It took place in Koper, Slovenia.
May 04 - May 06, 2017, thursday, friday, saturday.

Important dates:
December 1st, 2016 abstract submission starts
March 1st, 2017 deadline for abstract submission
May 03rd-06th, 2017 Joint EURO/ORSC/ECCO Conference in Koper, Solvenia

List of Plenary Speakers:
Robert Bixby, Gurobi Optimization, Inc.
Xiaotie Deng, Shanghai Jiaotong University
Bernard Ries, University of Fribourg
Gerhard Woeginger, RWTH Aachen

Publications :
The short summaries of all accepted talks were collected in a Booklet of Abstracts.
A special issue of Discrete Applied Mathematics and a special issue of the Journal of the Operations Research Society of China is dedicated to the conferece. The issues is based on contributions presented at the conference.

General Conference Committee :
Xiaodong Hu, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Silvano Martello, University of Bologna
Gerhard Wäscher, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg

Program Committee :
Andrej Brodnik, University of Primorska and University of Ljubljana (co-chair)
Guochuan Zhang, Zhejiang University (co-chair)
Jacek Blazewicz, Poznan University of Technology
Xujin Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Van-Dat Cung, Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble
Alain Hertz, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal
Liying Kang, Shanghai University
Minming Li, The City University of Hong Kong
Xiwen Lu, East China University of Science and Technology
Silvano Martello, University of Bologna
Paolo Toth, University of Bologna
Dachuan Xu, Beijing University of Technology
Gerhard Wäscher, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Zhao Zhang, Zhejiang Normal University

Organizing Committee :
Andrej Brodnik, University of Primorska and University of Ljubljana (co-chair)
Degang Liu, Chinese Academy of Sciences (co-chair)
Guangting Chen, Taizhou University
Rok Požar, University of Primorska
Xin Liu, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Yindong Shen, Huazhong Univeristy of Science and Technology

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