European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization  


Activities in 2023

The ECCO XXXVI - 2023 Conference was organized by Technical University of Crete and hosted at the Akali Hotel in the heart of the city center and about a five-minute walk away from the Old Town and the Venetian Harbor.
It took place in Chania, Crete, Greece.
May 11-14, 2023 (Thursday-Sunday), 2023.

Important dates:
December 5th, 2022: Opening of the abstract submission period.
March 5th, 2023: Abstract submission deadline. Extended to April 2nd, 2023.
March 19th, 2023: Notification of Acceptance. Extended to April 4th, 2023.
April 2th, 2023: Earlier registration deadline. Extended to April 7th, 2023.
April 23rd, 2023: Late registration deadline.
May 11-14, 2023: ECCO XXXVI-2023 Conference.

List of Plenary Speakers:
Bo Chen, The University of Warwick, UK.
Nelson Maculan, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Greet Vanden Berghe, KU Leuven, Belgium.

Program Committee :
Jacek Blazewicz, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Bo Chen, The University of Warwick, UK
Van-Dat Cung, , Universite Grenoble Alpes, France
Alain Hertz, GERAD - Ecole des HEC, Canada
Yannis Marinakis, Technical University of Crete, Greece (co-Chair)
Silvano Martello, University of Bologna, Italy
Nikolaos Matsatsinis, Technical University of Crete, Greece (Chair)
Paolo Toth, University of Bologna, Italy

Organizing Committee :
Nikolaos Matsatsinis, Technical University of Crete, Greece (Chair)
Yannis Marinakis, Technical University of Crete, Greece (co-Chair)
Magdalene Marinaki, Technical University of Crete, Greece (co-Chair)
Nikolaos A. Kyriakakis, Technical University of Crete, Greece
Garyfalia Matsatsini, Technical University of Crete, Greece
Themistoklis Stamadianos, Technical University of Crete, Greece
Andromachi Taxidou, Technical University of Crete, Greece
Lia Krassadaki, Technical University of Crete, Greece
Maria Tsiftsoglou, Technical University of Crete, Greece
Georgios Rafael Dimakis, Technical University of Crete, Greece
Emmanouil Giannoulakis, Technical University of Crete, Greece

Publications :
The summaries of all accepted talks are collected in a Booklet of Abstracts.

The international journal Journal of Combinatorial Optimization (JOCO) edited a special issue entitled Recent Advances in Combinatorial Optimization on the occasion of the ECCO XXXVI-2023 Conference. This special issue presents recent advances in all areas of Combinatorial Optimization. The issue will be based on contributions presented at the ECCO XXXVI-2023 Conference, but the invitation to submit is extended to all ECCO and CO members.

Main topics of interest are (but not restricted to):
- Graphs and networks
- Mathematical programming
- Routing and sheduling
- Facility location
- Bioinformatics
- Exact methods
- Approximation algorithms
- Heuristics
- Metaheuristics
- Matheuristics
All articles are thoroughly refereed according to the high standards of Journal of Combinatorial Optimization.

The edition of the issue is done through the platform of the Journal of Combinatorial Optimization. Please see the Author Instructions on the site if you have not yet submitted a paper through this web-based system. Be sure to note that your work is intended for the Special Issue and to select the article type SI: ECCO 2023.

Deadline for the submission of full papers: December 1, 2023. Extended to January 15, 2024.
Accepted papers are published online individually, before print publication.
The Guest Editors: Silvano Martello, Nikolaos Matsatsinis.

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website : Van-Dat Cung and Olivier Briant     Mentions légales